Tutor feedback.

The individual image feedback in under the relevant image further down the page.

General feedback:

I think you’re quite right when you say that this assignment is about the beginning rather than the end; and I feel you have found the confidence and the enjoyment to pursue this much further.

Once again you’ve covered good ground in your research both for the assignment and for general interest and context. Maria Kanevskaya’s work is very interesting, magical, painterly. You also covered additional technical ground, very useful. But, as you suggest, exploration and experimentation for this module are in many ways more valuable – as an ex cinematographer, I can vouch for that.

Your self-assessment offers a good insight into your approach and execution of this assignment and what you feel you have learned from this; this is a good articulate and detailed reflection.

Congratulations on getting your work published – very nice to see one’s hard work in print.

 You made a good choice of subject for this assignment, light, portable and open to interpretation with lighting on all four elements. Also, for you, this was an opportunity to explore lighting techniques for portraiture with a benign and patient subject. The future will bring many challenging subjects I’m sure.

So a well considered and executed assignment, perhaps the only element that you might have explored is the use of mixed lighting and the challenges that this presents using different levels and temperatures from controlled and relatively uncontrollable sources (sunlight).

Learning Log

 You covered all the exercises for this part of the course and demonstrate a very good understanding of the various elements of lighting (and exposure) and through this a good level of preparation for the assignment. The exterior shots in Rome are very atmospheric – very nice birthday treat.

I mentioned earlier your proactivity in research and how this has a positive effect on both your learning experience and the development of your photographic voice.

My response:

I am quite content with the tutors observations that mirror my own. I was concerned about the choice of subject but I am pleased that my tutor understood my reasoning. This was never going to be an award winning set of images but, at the same time, it has been a big learning curve in additional photographic lighting  and I have been pleasantly surprised with the results.

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